St. Mary’s Cement - Roller Press & Clinker Reclaim

Market: ICI

Year: 2023

Owner: St. Mary’s Cement

Consultant: Unitec Engineering

Client: MWS Solutions

Location(s): St Mary’s, ON

Contract Type: Fixed/Unit Rate

Contract Value: $900,000

Project Duration: 7 Months

Project Status: Complete

Project Description: This project involved the installation of a new roller press and clinker reclaimer. The existing concrete frame was modified to accommodate the installation of the new roller press. As part of the project, a new re-circulation system was installed. This required the construction of a new bucket elevator pit in the existing North Transfer Tower. The foundations for the existing product bucket elevator were modified to suit the size and orientation of the new one. The new clinker reclaimer was installed within the existing large door opening on the storage hall. The reclaimer has a new belt conveyor which transports the clinker to the North Transfer Tower. Foundations were installed for the new reclaimer and a series of footings for the elevated belt conveyer.

Project Scope: RAven Construction Management Inc, was awarded the contract under MWS Solutions for the civil work associated with this contract as follows:

  • Bulk excavation including rock demolition for the clinker reclaimer and belt conveyer

  • Sawcut and removal of existing foundation walls and slabs to accommodate new foundations

  • Formwork, rebar and cast-in-place concrete installation for the roller press, bucket elevator pits, clinker reclaimer and belt conveyor foundations

  • Masonry and slab on deck for new hydraulics room

  • Excavation and backfill for new duct banks

  • Replace concrete paving in affected area

  • Epoxy and cementitious grouting for new equipment

  • Backfill and regrade of the site

Highlights: This project was completed within an active cement plant and all activities were scheduled to not interrupt the normal operations of the plant. RCMI worked closely with other trades and completed tasks on time to not cause delay to mechanical and electrical installations.